Juli 2016 - Home & Garden - Thuis doen!
Overview with products and one of our tablerunners.
Jan-2016 - In several local newspapers - Binnen & Buiten!
Plates in several daily newspapers Brabants Dagblad, BN De Stem, Eindhovens Dagblad, De Stentor, PZC, Tubantia and De Gelderlander.
April 2015 - Ariadne at Home - Easter 2015
Thist Ariadne at Home magazine with subject Easter. They mentioned our cushions and some stoneware.
December 2014 - Noorderland
April 2014 - Gezond eten magazine, vrolijk Paasfeest.
Billie Design in the April edition of the Healthy eating magazine on the happy easter page with an egg cup.
Voorjaar 2013 - Lief lyfestyle magazine
Winter 2012 - Lief lyfestyle magazine
Billie Design in the winter edition of the Lief Lifestyle magazine with a beautiful iron bird.
Agustus 2012 - Home and Garden
Juni 2012 - Ariadne at Home - Zomer 2012 Brocante Special
Ariadne at Home with "Ook een zomerfris Scandinavië huis", Accessoires in white and red. Also melamin is mentioned.
April 2012 - Ariadne at Home - Voorjaar 2012 - Mix & Match, Special
Ariadne at Home with the nicest stoneware plates are bought online.
Maart 2012 - 101 Woonideeën - Wonen in multicolor, kleur en bloemen in het hele huis
Februari 2012 - Ariadne at Home met 1000-bloemetjes-dessins
November 2011 - Le magazine van La Place
November 2011 - Flavourites / Flavourzine
September 2011 - 101 Woonideeën - Bonte gebloemde servetten
Mei 2011 - Libelle - Summergarden
Februari 2011 - Libelle - with tea towels
December 2010 - 101 Woonideeën with all kinds of Christmas items.
December 2010 - Regio journaal - wonen en interieur
Juni 2010 Libelle - teapots, a nice cup of tea