Payment methods
There are different ways to pay safely. You can use the following payment methods:
- Credit Card (MasterCard, Visa and Maestro
- PayPal
- Manual Bank Transfer
- iDEAL (if you have a Dutch bank account number)
- V Pay
- Bancontact (Mister Cash) for Belgium
Pay with a creditcard of MasterCard, Visa and Maestro to Billie Design, easy and safe. Your information is coded ans safely send through a secure SSL connection. Both Visa as MasterCard will ask you the pincode/password of your creditcard. Enter your creditcard number, the valid to date and the CID/CVC Code. The CID/CVC code is used for verification and is mentioned on the backside of your card. The data is send to the creditcard company. In most cases the payment is verifiedd with the 3D Secure (Mastercard) and Verified (Visa) are done for internet purchases with an extra password. When the payment transaction is approved, you will be informed and the order is sent. In most cases the amount is automatically deducted from your account. (for more information ask your creditcard company). When you decide to cancel or return your order (or partially), then you receive the refund on your creditcard. You will receive an e-mail from Billie Design at the moment we gave the refund transaction to our bank. In most cases the refund is visible on your creditcard overview within 6 weeks.
PayPal acts like a digital wallet where you can securely store all your payment options, such as your bank account and credit card. You do no longer have to remember your creditcard information or use a random reader. When you want to make a payment, you don't have to pull out your credit card or type your billing info every time. More information about PayPal can be found on the PayPal website.
V Pay
V PAY is the SEPA debitcard of VISA Europe and is used by a lot of German banks. You can pay easily using the 16-digit cardnumber and valid to date (when required). The data is send to the creditcard company. In a lot of cases the payment is verified with 3D Secure: Verified by Visa. These are security measures for payments via Internet. With 3D Secure of Visa (Veried by Visa), the internet purchase is done with an extra password. When the payment transaction is approved, you will be informed and we will send your order the same (work)day.
Bancontact / Mister Cash
Specially for our Belgium customers, you can pay through Bancontact / Mister Cash. The payment method is very user friendly, you do not have to enter payment information.
iDEAL (Netherlands)
Safe and easy payments within the trusted payment environment of your own bank. When you make use of internetbanking, you can immediately make use of iDEAL, without subscribing to it. iDEAL is supported by the following banks: ABN AMRO, ASN Bank, Bunq, KNAB, ING, Money You, Rabobank,Triodos Bank, RBS, SNS Bank, Regio Bank and Van Lanschot Bankiers.
How iDEAL works
- When you make use of interetbanking in the Netherlands you can make use of iDEAL;
- Place the articles in the shopping cart. Go to Check Out and enter your personal information. Then you can choose to pay by iDEAL;
- You are transferred automatically to your own safe interetbanking environment, where the payment is made ready. The relevant data for the purchase is already entered. Approve the payment on the way you always do in the internetbanking enviornment. You receive a confirmation from your own bank;
- The amount is transferred directly from your bank account to ours. Billie Design receives automatically a message that the order is paid;
- You will immediately receive a confirmation e-mail (within 1 hour);
- REMARK! Do not forget to go back to our webshop after the payment to confirm your order!
- With the ordernumber in the orderconfirmation you can follow the status of your order. After the package is send by PostNL. You will receice an e-mail with track&trace code. With the track&trace code you can follow the package after it is send by Billie Design.
Payment through Bank Transfer
Make an International bank transfer and mention the ordernumber in the description. Our bankinformation:
IBAN: NL28RABO0152782117
We will send your order after we receive your payment (mostly the same workday).
Processing of payments
Payments through PayPal and iDEAL are directly processed. The average processing time of payments through a manual Bank Transfer can take up to 1-5 days. For Credit Card payments we will wait until the transaction is approved (mostly the same day)
When you decide to return your order or cancel the order which are already paid, we will return your money within 14 days (exlusive shipping costs).
Is your payment not processed in the above described period or do you think something wnet wrong, please send an e-mail to our customer service (see contact page).